Christ Church Grammar School has been building good men since 1910. Throughout their educational journey, boys are encouraged to develop a deep understanding of humility, integrity, compassion and a strong work ethic, and demonstrate these characteristics in their day to day interactions with those around them.

In 2009, the School was innovative in establishing its own Centre for Pedagogy (science of teaching). Research confirms that effective teaching is the most significant in-school influence on learning outcomes. The School’s Centre for Pedagogy is dedicated to teacher development in order to enhance capacity to motivate boys to achieve their best.

In 2015, the School opened The Wynne Centre for Boys’ Health and Wellbeing designed to inspire and influence a new generation of boys to make informed decisions regarding holistic good health and wellbeing.

A recent survey with current parents confirmed that more and more, parents are looking to the School to be a partner and assist in aspects of their boys mental, physical, spiritual and academic development.

With this in mind, we have created Building Good Men, where we will post articles on education and health and wellbeing written by experts, our talented staff, guest speakers and community members.

We hope that you find the articles informative, perhaps entertaining, but always helpful in shaping and guiding conversations with your boy(s).

Please contact us at if you would like to contribute an article.