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The benefits of an early childhood education for your son

Written by Early Childhood Education | Mar 30, 2021 8:30:00 AM

It’s not uncommon for parents to shed a tear on their son’s first day of Kindergarten or Pre-Primary, fortunately the benefits of an early childhood education are worth it. Studies show that quality early childhood education can deliver long-term benefits. In fact, giving your son the opportunity to attend an early childhood program for at least two days a week can help him develop the social, cognitive and emotive skills that will best prepare him for the school environment.

Here’s how an early childhood education can help your son:

Preparing your son for school

Australian researchers found that children who attended a quality early childhood program in the year before school were up to 40 percent ahead of their peers by the time they reached Year 3. Early learning programs provide your son with the opportunity to get a head start on learning through earlier exposure to reading, writing, number knowledge and vocabulary.

By commencing the formal education experience a year earlier, your son will be better prepared socially and academically to begin Pre-Kindergarten or Kindergarten, as well as being better prepared in the long-term for his academic career.


Socialisation with people other than your family in a safe environment is essential in developing your son’s early social skills, along with co-operation, patience, confidence and self-esteem. It is important to introduce children to other children, so they can start to form their own friendships. The sooner boys do this, the sooner they will overcome shyness and gain confidence, encouraging them to explore their talents, skills and interests. If left too long, their social development can be hindered.

Boosting cognitive development

Research suggests that up to 90 percent of brain development has already taken place before your son starts primary school. At this critical time, his early experiences can be even more influential on his ability to learn — the nurturing and stimulation your son receives during these years can make a huge difference. Research has found that children who have attended quality, early learning education tend to gain higher English and Mathematics results in school. The longer spent in early learning, often results with better grades and the likelihood to continue with academic studies.

Reducing the need for specialist education

According to new research, participation in quality early childhood education programs significantly prevented the need for specialist education placement and the intensity of support for children with exceptionalities. Such exceptionalities might range from those requiring additional support beyond the main classroom, to those on the autism spectrum. The researchers found that quality early childhood teaching had a ‘pre-emptive’ nature — pre-empting issues from developing or progressing into something more challenging.

A quality early childhood education can provide your son with best start to his learning journey and provide lifelong benefits. If you are interested in learning how Christ Church Grammar School’s early learning community caters for the needs of young boys, watch our video.